Get Involved
You can make a difference by helping us make protection and preservation of the Arizona Joshua Tree Forest a reality.
By donating your time as a Friends member you have the opportunity to become involved in a variety of projects such as:
- Reclamation projects within the forest,
- Helping with the monthly monitoring of the forest,
- Organization and staff outreach events,
- Membership drives,
- Advocacy,
- Fundraising.
The Friends offer volunteer experiences that increase your outdoor activities, your understanding of the Arizona Joshua Tree Forest, your awareness of the history and native culture of the Grapevine Mesa, your knowledge of the plants, animals, the topography and geology of the Arizona Joshua Tree Forest. You will have the opportunity to use online tools for community building, map reading and GPS. You will have the chance to increase your skills in adaptation and improvisation as new projects come available. You will have the opportunity to increase your participation in outdoor activities.
Outreach Events
Are you a teacher, a hiker, a weekend astronomer, bike rider, birder, do you like the outdoors?
You can help by working with our outreach coordinator to organize or lead outreach events. Some of these events are: tours of the forest, bird walks, stargazing events (the forest is know for dark skies and is a popular area for astronomers, since Mohave County has a dark sky ordinance), presentations of films, leading hikes, teaching environmental education classes, recruiting members and educating the public and decision makers about the importance of further protection for Arizona Joshua Tree Forest.
You could help our publication coordinator update our contact list, help create a call list for upcoming volunteer activities, or help update our communications through the website and social media. We need help to recruit new members and, by working with our board, you could help create a membership drive event or other event specific to membership recruitment. Writing a newsletter of our upcoming projects, past projects and issues to be published on the web would be an exciting endeavor.
Create, organize and assist with fundraising events. Create a “call for donations” mail out and social media request. Research possible grant opportunities. Create “join”, “renew your membership”, or “make a donation” forms which will help us begin annual membership fees and convey the message “Your membership helps to support the “Friends” efforts” to promote the conservation of natural resources in the Arizona Joshua Tree Forest.
Contact us